End of the world in 2021?


The calendar of the Maya civilization, which developed in Mexico and the United States about 1500 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, had no date beyond December 21, 2012. On the basis of this, it was trumpeted that the apocalypse would come on 21st December 2012.

A calendar of a civilization about 3,500 years old created an atmosphere of panic that does not seem to be another example. Hollywood, considered progressive, also left no stone unturned to in-cash the fear by making a 2012 film. The calendar of the Maya civilization, which developed in Mexico and the United States about 1500 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, had no date beyond December 21, 2012. On the basis of this, it was trumpeted that the apocalypse would come on 21st December 2012. Meteors will be showered from the sky. A star will also break down and fall to the earth. The water will burn from under the earth. By and large, there will be a great flood that nothing will survive on earth.


There was a worldwide horror of December 21, 2012. From america to China, the only discussion on each side was whether the world would end? Will the great court come on December 21? But neither the great system came, nor did the maya calendar be prophesied. In fact, scholars of the Maya civilization also had knowledge of space science. But this whole civilization was over around 800 AD. According to the calendar of the same civilization, the Holocaust was predicted on Earth in 2012.

What was reality?

December 21, 2012 was not the date of the end of human civilization. It was a cycle of the Maya calendar or the end date of the era. Just as the Gregorian calendar has the last date of December 31. Similarly, on December 21, 2012, a cycle or era of the Mayan calendar was about to end. There was no room left for further dates in the calendar carved on the round stone. Therefore, there was no mention of any further date. On December 21, 2012, the 13th Baktoon ended and the 14th baktoon started the next day. No one noticed this, and the great flood predictions were made on earth.

The US space agency NASA, however, announced about a month before the holocaust date that the world would be safe for billions of years. Nevertheless, the date of December 21, 2012, all over the world, frightened people. For years, they were forced to live in awe. However, the claim on the calendar of maya civilization did not end. It was claimed that the world would end on June 21, 2020 amid the corona virus crisis. Scientist Paolo Tagloguin also tweeted in support of the claim. However, he later deleted the tweet.


When the date of June 2020 passed, the world is still intact and now the market for rumours about 2021 is hot. No one knows the date of the Holocaust or not, who created the calendar of the Maya civilization. But there was no date in his calendar beyond December 21, 2012. So it was assumed to be the date of the Holocaust. Fear of the Holocaust kept people troubled for many years, but the claims were proved wrong when the Holocaust date came. However, once again, a similar atmosphere is being created in 2021.

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