Prime Minister Narendra Modi will send money to farmers' accounts under pm Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana (PM-KISAN) through video conferencing on December 25. That is, on December 25, the PM-KISAN scheme will be credited to the accounts of the 7th installment farmers. About Rs 1800 crore will be disbursed, benefiting more than 9 crore farmer households.
Through the PM Kisan Yojana, the Central government credits rs 2,000 per four months to farmers' accounts. A total of 6,000 rupees are sent to farmers' accounts in a year. The scheme came into effect on December 1, 2018. This fund is transferred directly to the beneficiary's bank accounts.
Pm Modi will also hold talks with farmers from 6 different states during the event. The PM will share her experience with the farmers on various other schemes taken by the government for farmers welfare. Union Agriculture Minister will also be present. The above information is given by pmo.
At present, there are only 2 days left for the money to be sent to farmers' accounts under PM-KISAN. This time the money will be transferred on December 25, the same day is the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.